06 May 2008

UCCS Student Collaboration

Posted to Assail's Weblog: April 30, 2008

Advanced Students Earn Commission for Digital Mural

I’m so pleased to finally announce that the students in the Advanced Digital Media studio course earned a $1,000 commission for the digital mural “Greeen #12″ from Ent Federal Credit Union! The mural will be unveiled at a ceremony next Friday (May 9th) at 1:30 in the UCCS student center. Please attend if you can, and again -- congrats to Nick [Hertzog], John [Keitel], Kelly [Couch], Karen [Freed], Grace [Galloway], and Brendyn [Hatfield]!

Money, public commission, plaque -- how cool is all that!

The final version has the Ent logo much smaller and in black. Follow the students’ blog (which they ran as a collaborative sketchbook): here.

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