06 May 2008

Nick Herzog: Virtual Insanity

UCCS student, Nick Hertzog’s Left Right in Suburbia (Crazy Is Just a Mindset) isn’t necessarily what you’d expect from an ordinary E-book. He envisioned creating an online literary piece, but his blog veers into unexpected territory. Part diary, part notebook, part fictional narrative -- we become privy to his thoughts, inspiration, motivation, and aspirations. He lets his audience in on the creative writing process and we get to tag along as he begins to develop a plot. I found it novel (no pun intended) that he doesn’t rely entirely on the written word. He incorporates video spot-treatments to enhance the storyline, effectively luring us inside. No need to wait for the movie – he’s got us covered.

I’d hate to be the one to give away the ending – wait, there isn’t one – yet. It’s still a work in progress. However, Nick comes to some interesting conclusions that transcend the limitations of a novice writer.

Read on without me… (kfreed)

*Click post title to view Nick's blog.

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